
brian and i played house a few weekends ago. i miss the kids i used to nanny way too much & we loved playing with them all weekend.
 3 kiddos + school + work + church for four days made for an interesting/really busy weekend. we had to coordinate schedules & make sure one of us was available while the other one was at work/school.
it was a little bit tricky. i can't imagine doing it everyday.

thursday was straight crazy, i worked the opening shift at work, had school all day & then finally made it home to play. 
they were pretty excited to see me. :)

friday night brian had to work, so we passed the time playing lots of just dance.
they've got skills.

saturday night we took them skating. which was quite the adventure. 
zane loved zooming around on his scooter. sara (almost) learned how to skate by herself. & nora was content to just walk around the rink (even though i'm pretty sure THAT was against the rules) oh well... 

we're pretty glad we get so spend time with these three every once in a while. & can only HOPE our kids will be as cool as they are.....:)


  1. Cute parents already....and your kids will be awesome!

  2. What a fun weekend! You guys are naturals at the parent thing.
